Building Coordinator Program

Building coordinators and alternates serve as important liaisons between the occupants of their building and various campus service and support units, including:

Campus Facilities

Administrative Services

MU Police Department

Environmental Health & Safety

Campus Facilities relies on coordinators to notify building occupants of events (e.g. planned utility outages, road closings, maintenance and construction) that may affect them. Building Coordinators also approve building key requests and grant card access to electronic exterior doors.

Building coordinators and alternates are appointed by deans, directors, or department heads, and are usually available in the building during regular working hours. Coordinators and alternates should provide their home telephone numbers in the event of an after-hours, building-related emergency.

If you are interested in serving your building in this important role, please contact your current building coordinator or Campus Facilities to learn more about this exciting program. You may find the current building coordinator for your building by going to the "Contact Us" page.

Campus Facilities Director's Office

General Services Building
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 882-6896
Fax: (573) 884-5603