Energy Services

Utility Outages

Please report any utility outages to the campus service desk at 882-8211.  Planned outages for building maintenance or construction activities should be coordinated through Energy Management by calling 882-3094.

Underground Utility Locates

All projects involving digging on the MU campus require an underground utility locate.  Missouri law requires that any person responsible for making or beginning any excavation notify all underground facility owners which may be affected by said excavation at least two complete working days in advance, except in the case of an emergency or other exceptions set forth by Missouri law. Failure to have utility lines located before digging can cause serious injury or death, damage to property or harm to research due to loss of service. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG!

What projects require an underground locate?

Some examples of projects that require underground locates include, but are not limited to:

  • Drilling and boring
  • Foundation excavation
  • Installing fence or sign posts
  • Trenching
  • Driven Tent Stakes
  • Grading

All requests for locates on Campus shall be sent to Missouri One Call Systems. 1-800-344-7483


Installation of new boiler insulation.

Insulation Services

Installation of new boiler insulation.

Energy Management also provides various insulation services. Services include asbestos abatement of insulating materials and floor tile, repair and installation insulation for mechanical systems, and technical inspection of insulation application by contractors.  The group’s niche is small to medium sized maintenance projects and renovations.  Send in a work order request or call the campus service desk at 882-211 to schedule services.


A computerized system allows EMCS to monitor and control conditions in 131 buildings across campus.

Building Energy Automation and Commission

A computerized system allows EMCS to monitor and control conditions in 131 buildings across campus.

Energy Management provides design, installation, and maintenance of building automation systems. These systems allow us to optimize and control heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) systems, lighting systems and mechanical equipment in campus buildings.  Testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB) commissioning is performed on all HVAC systems on campus to verify the new or renovated facilities perform efficiently and per the design specifications and standards.

Energy Management Facility Tours

Due to the concerns related to the COVID-19 virus Energy Management will no longer be allowing tours of the campus utility facilities, until further notice. This change has been implemented to support the critical utility service for the MU campus and hospitals.