Emeritus Faculty Space Assignment Guideline

Prepared by: Advisory Committee on Space
Sub-Committee to the Capital Review Committee


Since the need for space at MU is increasing and funding for new construction and additions to existing buildings is scarce, all units in the University must constantly assess the use of and needs for space. To assist in the unit's review of their own space usage, the Council of Deans has requested that some guidelines be provided by the campus regarding the allocation of space for emeritus faculty. Therefore, these space assignments guidelines provide some rationale to each Dean/Vice Chancellor on the criteria that should be met when allocating space to present and future emeritus faculty.

Emeritus Designation

The following set of rules and exceptions for granting emeritus status were approved by the Board of Curators in 1968 and amended in 1994. No reference is made to continuing provision of office, laboratory or studio space.


RULE -- The procedure for granting the title of "Professor Emeritus/Emerita" or "Associate Professor Emeritus/Emerita" shall originate with the retiring faculty member's department. The appropriate title shall be granted to any member of the Faculty on regular appointment in good standing at the time of his or her retirement, who

  1. Holds the rank of full or associate professor and has been a member of the Faculty for at least fifteen years; or has held the rank of full professor in the Faculty for at least five years;
  2. Has indicated the desire to receive emeritus status; and
  3. Whose contributions to the department and the University are recognized as meritorious as determined by majority vote of the tenured members of the department, such determination then being transmitted by letter to the Chancellor.


  1. A retiring member of the Faculty who is not covered by the above rule who has been recommended by majority vote of the tenured members of the faculty of the department and by the Dean of the faculty member's school or college may be awarded an emeritus designation by the Chancellor when the faculty member
    • has retired in good standing;
    • has indicated the desire to receive emeritus status; and
    • his or her contributions to the department and the University are recognized as meritorious.
  2. For purposes of this section, full-time members of the Medical Faculty may be considered to be on regular appointment and hence eligible under the above rules and exceptions for appointment to the emeritus designation.

Members of the Faculty who have received the title of emeritus shall continue as members (non-voting) of the campus Faculty; and their names shall appear in the list of Officers of Instruction and Administration in the University catalog. Persons retiring from the University who do not receive the title of emeritus shall receive no title designation.

There is no entitlement to office space that accompanies emeritus status. However, (1) if space is available and (2) an individual's activities justify it, the space assignment for emeritus faculty should use the following criteria:

  1. Is the individual actively involved in official activities of the University? If so, and if available, space should usually be provided. Active is defined as contributing in a significant amount to on-campus teaching, advising, or research/scholarly productivity.
  2. The portion of office space allocated should be proportional to the contribution to the department mission. Shared offices would be the norm for emeritus faculty members maintaining less than full time involvement and contribution.
  3. If an emeritus faculty member's appointment or contribution is less than .25 FTE per week, no office space should normally be provided.
  4. For all other types of space usually assigned to a faculty member, such as research labs, greenhouses, animal quarters, etc., the same criteria listed above should apply.